How to do SEO for Classifieds Website

Content: - Search Engine Optimization for Classifieds Websites - Image alt text - H1 tags - Meta descriptions - Recommendations for your site SEO

This is a highly important topic, that drove a lot of interest and I am excited to respond and provide information. In this guide, I will be talking about how Yclas optimizes your website for search engines (automatically ) and also what can you do to make your content better in this regard.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is basically the optimization of a website to improve its position on the results by search engines “organically”.

How SEO works

In a nutshell, thanks to SEO users are able to find your site in search engines. The traffic created adds to the number of visitors you get. If you apply some SEO strategies it can improve your online presence.

Let’s get to work

Search Engine Optimization main factors:

On-page optimization - includes all of the features and elements that are related to your website. For example, the content and speed of your site, while the off-site optimization refers to the backlinks from third parties linking to your website.

Off-page optimization (also known as Off-site SEO) has relevance to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). Optimizing here includes improving search engine results, respectively your website's popularity, reputation, and security. You can achieve this by using other credible websites, blogs, pages,etc., to link or promote your website.

For more information on on-page optimization and off-page optimization, you can read our blog

In this article, I will focus on what Yclas offers you with tools that can help get your classifieds website to rank higher in search engine results page.

Search Engine Optimization for Classifieds Websites

On your website Yclas automatically sets those elements: h1 tags, meta tags and image alt texts. If this is the first time hearing these terms, I suggest that you find some resources online to read about their importance. I can tell you that they have a significant impact on your site’s performance and I will briefly explain each one.

SEO for Classifieds Websites

On your website Yclas automatically sets:

h1 tags

meta tags

image alt texts

Image alt text

This is the text that shows up when the image is not loading or when an image is viewed with devices designed for people with visual impairments. Now the main issue here is that all search engines care about on your website is how user-friendly it is and how it can be viewed by everyone regardless of their internet speed or physical state.

Yclas automatically sets the alt text for category icons to be the same as a category name.

Whenever a user uploads a picture on his ad the alt text for that picture will be set automatically as the image file name.

The user's profile picture in the forums has the alt text assigned as the user name.

H1 tags

H1 (Heading 1) tags are the large headlines on a page and those are what normally attracts your attention the most when viewing a piece of content or when viewing a normal website page, like on this page I have “How to do SEO for Classifieds Website” set as this page H1 tag.

It is a standard practice to have an H1 tag on each page on your website and missing an H1 tag can harm your ranking with search engines.

Here is a list of how Yclas sets H1 tag for each page:

Homepage: Site name

/all: Listings

/all/location: Name of Location

/oc-panel/auth/login: Login

/oc-panel/auth/register: register

/oc-panel/auth/forgot: Forgot

/category: Name of the selected category

/category/ad: Title of the advertisement

/Blog: Blog

/Forum: Forum


Contact: Contact

Search: Search

/forum/topic: Topic name

/pagename: When a new page created its title should be the H1 tag

/blog/post: When a blog post is created its title should be the H1 tag

Meta descriptions

The meta description is the line of text that shows under your website in the search engine results page just as an example, you can see the text that showed up under our website when I searched for “best classifieds script”

We tried our best to have Yclas set your meta descriptions as automatically as possible, so here is a list of how Yclas assigns a meta description for each page:

  • Homepage: Site name” official homepage, get your post listed now.
  • /all: List of all postings in “site name”
  • /all/location: If (location description is empty) then (List of all postings in “Location”) else (location description)
  • /oc-panel/auth/login: login to “site name”
  • /oc-panel/auth/register: Create a new profile at “sitename”
  • /oc-panel/auth/forgot: Here you can reset your password if you forgot it
  • /category: If (category description is empty) then (All “name of category” in “name of website”) else (insert category description)
  • /category/ad: “Ad name” in “category name” on “site name”
  • /Blog: “site name” blog section
  • /Forum: “site name” community forums
  • FAQ: “site name” frequently asked questions
  • Contact: Contact “site name”
  • Search: Search in “site name”
  • /forum/topic: “Topic name” in “site name” forums
  • /pagename: This is free for the user to add with the html editor
  • /blog/post: This is free for the user to add with the html editor

Recommendations for your site SEO

From what you read in the earlier section you can see that the names and descriptions of categories and locations play a big role in your site SEO and that is something you can control when doing on-page optimization.

So my first advice is to write well designed category and location descriptions, not exceeding 155 and with good language (no typos or grammatical mistakes).

Second, remember that Yclas lets you have a blog, an FAQ section and a forum section, so you can also use those to your advantage to create content that is designed for your targeted users and filled with relevant keywords.

Remember that Yclas doesn’t do all the work for you but it gives you a good push on the right track but make sure you keep on link building, creating content, maintaining good language on the site and no link or keyword cluttering.